Our Wesbite

Sunday, April 10, 2011

2011 Ford® World Men's Curling Championship - Ulsurd wins Collie Campbell Award

Thomas Ulsrud has won the Colin Campbell Awardl at the 2011 Ford® World Men's Curling Championship.

The Colin Campbell Award was created in honour of Canadian Colin Campbell, who served as president of the International Curling Federation, now known as the World Curling Federation, from 1969 until his death in 1978. It is presented to the male curler "who best displays the ideals of sportsmanship and skill" during the World Curling Championships. The winner is selected by his fellow curlers in the tournament.

Year Winner Country
2011 Thomas Ulsrud Norway
2010 Torger Nergård Norway
2009 Wang Fengchun China
2008 Thomas Dufour France
2007 Ralph Stöckli Switzerland
2006 Ewan MacDonald Scotland
2005 Marco Mariani Italy
2004 Sean Becker New Zealand
2003 Markku Uusipaavalniemi Finland
2002 Pål Trulsen Norway
2001 Spencer Mugnier France
2000 Greg McAulay Canada
1999 Sean Becker New Zealand
1998 Markku Uusipaavalniemi Finland
1997 Jussi Uusipaavalniemi Finland
1996 Mikael Hasselborg Sweden
1995 Peja Lindholm Sweden
1994 Gert Larsen Denmark
1993 Hugh Millikin Australia
1992 Jussi Uusipaavalniemi Finland
1991 Markus Eggler Switzerland
1990 Tommy Stjerne Denmark
1989 Tommy Stjerne Denmark
1988 Bo Bakke Norway
1987 Gorin Roxin Sweden
1986 Uli Sutor Germany
1985 Tim Wright USA
1984 Mike Hay Scotland
1983 Keith Wendorf Germany
1982 Rick Lang Canada
1981 Mark Olson Canada
1980 Greig Henderson Scotland
1979 Keith Wendorf Germany