Our Wesbite

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Keith Reilly 1938-2012

On behalf of all members, past and present, of Suburban Schoolmasters' Curling Club, we are saddened by the passing of Keith Reilly. 

Bob Dobson has written the following about Keith. 

His connection with the SSCC is deep. 

His uncle was one of the founders of SSCC in 1958. Keith was a shop teacher at Pierre LaPorte Middle School. Many members of SSCC were teachers and administrators there and some are still close friends. Keith spared many times in the past with the our club. Most likely at Lead. 

Here a few tributes about Keith.

Bob Weeks on Curling: The passing of Wheels

Danny Lamoureux: Keith Reilly, 1938-2012

Bill Tschirhart: Keith Reilly - Mentor & Friend