Our Wesbite

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Curling gets glitzy

Feb 12, 2008 04:30 AM
The cultural wasteland that is reality television may soon be brightened by a bit of sweeping.
Joining shows that feature competitive singing or dancing, obese people hoping to get thin, people with secrets struggling not to lie, and corporate climbers trying to avoid being fired comes a new reality concept under consideration at NBC: rock star curling.
An established fan favourite in Canada, it seems curling could soon be attracting new American viewers, mainly because the "rock" in rock star curling has nothing to do with the granite stones traditionally pushed about in this sport.
Promoters are hoping to attract an actual rock star to host the program. It turns out that Jon Bon Jovi and Bruce Springsteen are among men with brooms who share a passion for this sport. Efforts are reportedly being made to sign one of these two music celebrities. One hopes either Bon Jovi or The Boss will agree to take a break from their high-energy, rock-and-roll lifestyle in favour of publicly promoting knit sweaters and vigorous broom work.
As well as enlivening the desolate expanse of reality TV, such a program might, dare we say it, actually make curling kind of cool.