Here are the teams that will compete at the 2013 Saskatchewan Scotties® Tournament of Hearts at the Balgonie Curling Club in Balgonie, Saskatchewan from January 24rd to 27th, 2013.
Team Chisholm
Candace Chisholm, Cindy Ricci, Natalie Bloomfield, Kristy Johnson, Jim Packet Maryfield Curling Club, Maryfield
Team Eberle
Chantelle Eberle, Nancy Inglis, Debbie Lozinski, Susan Hoffart, Murray McEachern Callie Curling Club, Regina
Team Miller-Jones
Deanne Miller-Jones, Carla Sawicki, Donna Ell, Carla Anaka Callie Curling Club, Regina
Deanne Miller-Jones, Carla Sawicki, Donna Ell, Carla Anaka Callie Curling Club, Regina
Team Selzer
Mandy Selzer, Erin Selzer, Kristen Mitchell, Megan Selzer, Ken Bakken Balgonie Curling Club, Balgonie
Team Barker
Penny Barker, Susan Lang, Melissa Hoffman, Danielle Sicinski, Leon Roy Moose Jaw Curling Centre, Moose Jaw
Team Lawton
Stefanie Lawton, Sherry Anderson, Sherri Singler, Marliese Kasner, Rick Folk Granite Curling Club, Saskatoon
Team Holland
Amber Holland, Jolene Campbell, Brooklyn Lemon, Dailene Sivertson, Merv Fonger Callie Curling Club, Regina
Team Barber
Brett Barber, Robyn Silvernagle, Dayna Demers, Kailena Bay, Kay Montgomery Biggar Curling Club, Biggar
Team Shumay
Jill Shumay, Kara Johnston, Taryn Holtby, Jinaye Ayrey Maidstone Curling Club, Maidstone
Team Englot
Michelle Englot, Lana Vey, Roberta Materi, Sarah Slywka, Dwayne Mihalicz Highland Curling Club, Regina
Team Martin
Nancy Martin, Kara Kilden, Lindsey Sunderland, Krista White, Carol Ferris Nutana Curling Club, Saskatoon
Team Paulsen
Trish Paulsen, Kari Kennedy, Sarah Collin, Kari Paulsen, Art Paulsen Nutana Curling Club, Saskatoon
The winner will represent Saskatchewan at the 2013 Scotties® Tournament of Hearts at the K-Rock Centre in Kingston, Ontario from February 16th - 24th, 2013.