Tie Breaker #1 at the 2013 Québec Scotties® Tournament of Hearts is complete:
#1 - Results
Sian Canavan defeated Roxane Perron 7 - 2. Canavan advances to Tie-Breaker #2 and plays Ève Bélisle. Perron is out.
#2 7:00 pm EST
Ève Bélisle plays Sian Canavan. The winner advances to the Semi-Final and plays Julie Hamel. The loser is out
Semi-Final - Sunday January 27 9:00 am EST
Julie Hamel plays the winner of Tie-Breaker #2. The winner advances to the Final and plays Allison Ross. The loser is out.
Final - Sunday January 27 2:00 pm EST
Allison Ross plays the winner of the Semi-Final
The winner will represent Québec at the 2013 Scotties® Tournament of Hearts at the K-Rock Centre in Kingston, Ontario from February 16th - 24th, 2013.