Here are the teams that will compete at the 2013 Nova Scotia Scotties® Tournament of Hearts at the Halifax Curling Club in Halifax, Nova Scotia from January 22nd to 27th, 2013.
Mary-Anne Arsenault, Colleen Jones, Kim Kelly, Jen Baxter, Nancy Delahunt Mayflower Curling Club, Halifax
Team Breen
Theresa Breen, Amanda Simpson, Jocelyn Adams, Kelly Anderson Mayflower Curling Club, Halifax
Team Duchemin
Coralie Duchemin, Heidi Bishop, Patty Merrigan, Marcie Bungay, Joan Latimer Sydney Curling Club, Sydney
Team MacIntosh
Kelly MacIntosh, Jennifer Crouse, Sheena Gilman, Shelley Barker, Julie McEvoy Dartmouth Curling Club, Dartmouth
Team Nix
Jocelyn Nix, Andrea Saulnier, Jill Alcoe-Holland, Julie Morley Glooscap Curling Club, Kentville
Team Smith-Dacey
Heather Smith-Dacey, Stephanie McVicar, Blisse Comstock, Teri Lake Mayflower Curling Club, Halifax
Team Cutcliffe
Margaret Cutcliffe, Mary Sue Radford, Katarina Hakansson, Sally Saunders Mayflower Curling Club, Halifax
Team Mattatall
Mary Mattatall, Angie Bryant, Lisa MacLeod, Hayley Clarke Mayflower Curling Club, Halifax
The winner will represent Nova Scotia at the 2013 Scotties® Tournament of Hearts at the K-Rock Centre in Kingston, Ontario from February 16th - 24th, 2013.